Sunday, July 12, 2009

Chapter Fifteen review

The Process of Understanding

The need to know is part of our very being. Without it we could not grow and evolve as a species. How would our ancestors have discovered the use of fire? Why else would Galileo have risked his life but for the desire to know the truth. Thanks to those countless many who came before us we now have the freedom to explore as much as physically possible. Breakthroughs are occurring everyday almost. Something new is being discovered. Yet very little has changed from the days when Galileo first did his experiments. How are discoveries made? Some are made by chance but most are through long and dedicated research.
The time spent to sit down and study, analyzing patterns and the histories that came before are exactly the tools needed in discovery. How else what the Titanic found but by careful research of first hand accounts, sea charts of the area and methodically planning. Such research takes time. Just as the saying goes “Rome was not built in day” nor then can good research be hurried. Doing so invites more trouble than the shortened time would deem necessary. Then again one cannot rush understanding.
That is the essence of what research is, trying to understand the concept which one is attempting to uncover. The varying types of research methods are there to aid people in their endeavors. One wouldn't use a car to try to fly. One would use the proper instrument, a plane for example. That is the reason which varying research methods exist. They are tools to aid in our understanding.

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